
Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Modern Sofas for Me

I have just a plain, ordinary love-seat and couch in my house, and would love to have something a little cooler.  These are just a few snazzy sofas I would put in my house.

I love this Tender Sofa, although the white may not be the best choice for my house.  My favorite thing about this sofa is how it is not all cushion across the seat, there is still open space beyond the arm cushions.  It looks very neat and sophisticated to me.

These winding sectionals are very cool, the print is okay, not my first choice, but I could live with it. 

I would so love to have this Bocca Lip Sofa in my bedroom.  Right under the window or at the foot of the bed would be a great spot.  This one is so me.

Sectionals are great, but I love it when they have the lounge seat as well.  This one is pretty simple and basic with a nice touch of class to it. 

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