
Thursday, December 31, 2009

Welcome To WishList

Hello and Welcome to WishList

One of my favorite pass times is to do what I like to call, "Wishful Shopping."  This is where I either look through magazines and catalogs or check out different stores and sites online and circle or click add to list, all the things I really like and would love to have for whatever reason.  I can easily rack up $30,000 worth of merchandise at and that is just for shoes, comforters, dresses and a few counter appliances.  

I love to Wishful Shop and have decided to share my love of things I would like to have, with the rest of the world.  Who knows one day I may even get and item or two listed and talked about here at the "WishList."  There may even be things that you wish you could have.  

Be sure to check back often to see what I have added to the "WishList!"

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